Thursday, July 9, 2015

San Francisco

I am SUCH a procrastinator when it comes to blogging. Thank goodness I don't get paid for this. But in my defense we have driven over 1700 miles in the last two weeks. We've been kind of busy.

We are quickly coming to the end of our stay here in Acton, California so we are in that stage of making sure we don't miss out on anything while at the same time making preparations for our biggest move yet.

In addition to all this excitement, my three brothers have decided to make this the most joyous year of our family's recent history. Jerod and Mikayla are getting married in Oregon this month, Josh and Tiffany are having a little baby girl in Virginia next month, and Jamie and Kalli Jo are getting married in Texas in October! I am one happy sister!

So before we get back on the road in exactly two weeks, I need to get our recent little road trips "in the books."

"San Francisco's Golden Gate what a beautiful bridge you are...." If you have kids you know that if they learn a song it is most likely to end up on repeat in your own head for possibly months. I would think to myself...God please let another song replace this one soon.

It was beautiful. As a bonus we had un unexpected history lesson about Fort Point, a seacoast fortification that was built before the civil war.

Almost as beautiful was AT&T stadium- home of the Giants. And guess what- I got my wish about the song. In between innings they started playing "When the lights go down in the city and the sun shines on the bay...." by Journey which is totally fitting for San Francisco. That is the new song that is living in my head right now, along with this image:

We only spent two days in San Francisco so the only other thing we did was take a walk on the beach which suited the kids just fine.


This was actually the view from our RV park. San Francisco RV Resort is the only place we've stayed where you can do some whale watching and we saw several. Don't let the name fool you- it is a parking lot with hookups on the coast.

Some of the people that read this blog are other fulltime RV families. We like to read about each others' travels and a lot of the time will gain useful information about places before we go there ourselves. So very quickly here are some useful tips:

1. If you enter San Francisco via a toll bridge make sure you have plenty of cash. The one we entered on did not take debit cards so we are now waiting for a toll violation to come in the mail and will have to pay an extra $25 along with the $20 toll.

2. For fast cheap viewing of the Golden Gate Bridge take the last San Francisco exit off 101 and there are several little pay to park lots near a trail that leads to Fort Point and a Nat'l Parks Visitor Center. From that area you can also see Alcatraz out in the bay.

3. If you want to go "in to town" to eat out do your parking research first. Most of us drive ridiculously large trucks and this is not a town conducive to our parking needs. After driving around for a while we ended up driving out to Pacifica and eating at Red Lobster. However, the drive through the city was very interesting so that was not wasted time.

4. Parking for AT&T stadium is a good walk away and $30. That walk was also very interesting and a good workout so I'm not complaining.

5. Luckily we travel with our house in tow because I would not have thought to bring jackets. It was pretty chilly (in July). Take warm clothes!

The kids will be home from craft time with my awesome neighbor Denise soon so I'm going to wrap this up and save the Grand Canyon and Vegas for another day.

In the state these kids are in it was a miracle to get a picture this "normal". They've had a little sugar.
Thank you Denise for being one of my kids' teachers!

Happy Travels!